I love my life, but I often feel like I am stuck on fast forward and can't completely exist in the moment. I've wished for a "reboot" button so that I could drop the tension that hangs on my shoulders and occasionally flares into migraine headaches. I haven't found a way to do that...until now.
Today I drove one of my daughters (who missed the bus) off to school and coached my other daughter via phone until she caught her bus. I finished dishes and started laundry when the doorbell rang. Romy Antoine had arrived with her table in tow. We set up in my bedroom, which made it that much easier for me to relax. I had already set up music I like and she gently suggested we tone down the lighting. Romy has a gentle, but firm touch and a soothing voice...though she didn't talk much. We've been friends awhile, so I wondered if we would talk, but the quiet allowed me to drift. She systematically found all the little points I was clinging on to tension and gently coaxed them to let go. Romy enjoys giving massage and her quiet contentment radiates as she works. By the time she finished, I was a puddle of butter and my ToDo list no longer intimidated me. When I finally spoke, I have never heard my voice resonate so deeply. She had relaxed me so completely that my vocal chords had loosened. It is now, hours later and I still feel peacefully energized from the time we spent this morning.
If you want to try the delightful experience of massage without getting into your car, I highly recommend Romy Antoine. She can be reached at (917)715-8020.