Spring has sprung and today I hung out with my family at a community event hosted by Princeton University. With volunteers and local sponsors, they filled the Dillon Gym with fun (free) activities for families.
Princyclopedia 2011 brings to life The Lightning Thief
Ice sculptures rock! My kids thought it was so cool to be able to touch it. We loved talking about the process with the artists there. Did you know that they have to shake the ice while it is freezing to make it so clear? By the time the blocks are done, they shave off the top 12 inches of white ice (where the bubbles have accumulated) and the rest is like glass.

Volunteers dressed up and mingled with the crowds. Isn't she pretty?

Shoot the Minotaur! (They also had a math teacher you could shoot. We had to remind our kids that the math teacher in the Percy Jackson books was really a monster...no really)

My girls' favorite stop was the dress ups provided by PrincetonKIDS.com Yea, it's a girl thing.

My husband and I go here...a lot. They may get their own blog post.

Another daughter making a shield. I was proud of her, no flowers for her, man, she made a mace with spikes. Yeah!

I want to feature more Princeton Area businesses that either support our community or I have had a good experience with. Having my own business has taught me just how tricky it is to be a small business owner. I have great respect for those that make it work. These businesses often provide jobs for our friends and neighbors and they pay taxes that we all benefit from.
I really love Princeton and hope that you feel fantastic when you choose local businesses. (I'll be stepping down off my soap box now)
For ice sculpture (Hey, you never know when your summer camp needs a totally cool demo)
www.sculptediceworks.comTo find other fun stuff for your family: